

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Got basic iteration added to Java template engine. Java code (note you can use format and lines instead of fmt and lns).
  String st = fmt(
    lns("This is a test of my sanity",
     "This is a test of my sanity",
     "{@loop:test.emps} ",
     "This is the body of the loop",
     "firstName = {iter.firstName}",
     "This text is outside of the loop"
        ls(emp("Rick", "Hightower", 1000.0),
          emp("Bob", "Hightower", 7000.0)))));
  print("fmt18", st);

fmt18 This is a test of my sanity
This is a test of my sanity
This is the body of the loop
firstName = Rick
This is the body of the loop
firstName = Bob
This text is outside of the loop

I also got formatting working last night. I think I am done for a while. I had my fun.

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