

Saturday, March 4, 2017

MetricsD to send Linux OS metrics to Amazon CloudWatch

metricsd to send Linux OS metrics to AWS

We are using metricsd to read OS metrics and send data to AWS CloudWatch Metrics. Metricsd gathers OS KPIs for AWS CloudWatch Metrics. We install this as a systemd process which depends on cassandra. We also install the Cassandra Database as a systemd process.
We use systemd unit quite a bit. We use systemd to start up Cassandra config scripts. We use systemd to start up Cassandra/Kafka, and to shut Cassandra/Kakfa (this article does not cover Kafka at all) down nicely. Since systemd is pervasive in all new mainstream Linux distributions, you can see that systemd is an important concept for DevOps.
Metricsd gets installed as a systemd service by our provisioning scripts.

Installing metricsd systemd from our provisioning scripts

cp ~/resources/etc/systemd/system/metricsd.service /etc/systemd/system/metricsd.service
cp ~/resources/etc/metricsd.conf /etc/metricsd.conf
systemctl enable metricsd
systemctl start  metricsd
We use systemctl enable to install metricsd to start up on system start. We then use systemctl start to start metricsd.
We could write a whole article on metricsd and AWS CloudWatch metrics, and perhaps we will. For more informatino about metricsd please see the metricsd github project.
The metricsd system unit depends on the Cassandra service. The unit file is as follows.


Description=MetricsD OS Metrics




Retrospective - Past Articles in this Cassandra Cluster DevOps/DBA series

The first article in this series was about setting up a Cassandra cluster with Vagrant (also appeared on DZone with some additional content DZone Setting up a Cassandra Cluster with Vagrant. The second article in this series was about setting up SSL for a Cassandra cluster using Vagrant (which also appeared with more content as DZone Setting up a Cassandra Cluster with SSL). The third article in this series was about configuring and using Ansible (building on the first two articles). This article (the 4th) will cover applying the tools and techniques from the first three articles to produce an image (EC2 AMI to be precise) that we can deploy to AWS/EC2. To do this explanation, we will use Packer, Ansible, and the Aws Command Line tools. The AWS command line tools are essential for doing DevOps with AWS.

Check out more information about the Cassandra Database

Check out the metricsd github project page. 


Reads OS metrics and sends data to AWS CloudWatch Metrics.
Metricsd gathers OS metrics for AWS CloudWatch. You can install it as a systemd process.


# AWS Region         string        `hcl:"aws_region"`
# If not set, uses aws current region for this instance.
# Used for testing only.
# aws_region = "us-west-1"

# EC2InstanceId     string        `hcl:"ec2_instance_id"`
# If not set, uses aws instance id for this instance
# Used for testing only.
# ec2_instance_id = "i-my-fake-instanceid"

# Debug             bool          `hcl:"debug"`
# Used for testing and debugging
debug = false

# Local             bool          `hcl:"local"`
# Used to ingore local ec2 meta-data, used for development only.
# local = true

# TimePeriodSeconds time.Duration `hcl:"interval_seconds"`
# Defaults to 30 seconds, how often metrics are collected.
interval_seconds = 10

# Used to specify the environment: prod, dev, qa, staging, etc.
# This gets used as a dimension that is sent to cloudwatch. 

# Used to specify the top level namespace in cloudwatch.
namespace="Cassandra Cluster"

# Used to specify the role of the AMI instance.
# Gets used as a dimension.
# e.g., dcos-master, consul-master, dcos-agent, cassandra-node, etc.

Installing as a service

If you are using systemd you should install this as a service.


After=basic.target network.target



Copy the binary to /usr/bin/metricsd. Copy the config to /etc/metricsd.conf. You can specify a different conf location by using /usr/bin/metricsd -conf /foo/bar/myconf.conf.


$ sudo cp metricsd_linux /usr/bin/metricsd 
$ sudo systemctl stop  metricsd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable  metricsd.service
$ sudo systemctl start  metricsd.service
$ sudo systemctl status  metricsd.service
● metricsd.service - metricsd
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/metricsd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-12-21 20:19:59 UTC; 8s ago
 Main PID: 718 (metricsd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/metricsd.service
           └─718 /usr/bin/metricsd

Dec 21 20:19:59 ip-172-31-29-173 systemd[1]: Started metricsd.
Dec 21 20:19:59 ip-172-31-29-173 systemd[1]: Starting metricsd...
Dec 21 20:19:59 ip-172-31-29-173 metricsd[718]: INFO     : [main] - 2016/12/21 20:19:59 config.go:29: Loading config /et....conf
Dec 21 20:19:59 ip-172-31-29-173 metricsd[718]: INFO     : [main] - 2016/12/21 20:19:59 config.go:45: Loading log...
There are full example packer install scripts under bin/packer/packer_ec2.json. The best doc is a working example.


CPU metrics

  • softIrqCnt - count of soft interrupts for the last period
  • intrCnt - count of interrupts for the last period
  • ctxtCnt - count of context switches for the last period
  • processesStrtCnt - count of processes started for the last period
  • GuestJif - jiffies spent in guest mode for last time period
  • UsrJif - jiffies spent in usr mode for last time period
  • IdleJif - jiffies spent in usr mode for last time period
  • IowaitJif - jiffies spent handling IO for last time period
  • IrqJif - jiffies spent handling interrupts for last time period
  • GuestniceJif - guest nice mode
  • StealJif - time stolen by noisy neighbors for last time period
  • SysJif - jiffies spent doing OS stuff like system calls in last time period
  • SoftIrqJif - jiffies spent handling soft IRQs in the last time period
  • procsRunning - count of processes currently running
  • procsBlocked - count of processes currently blocked (could be for IO or just waiting to get CPU time)

Disk metrics

  • dUVol<VOLUME_NAME>AvailPer - percentage of disk space left (per volume)

Mem metrics

  • mFreeLvl - free memory in kilobytes
  • mUsedLvl - used memory in kilobytes
  • mSharedLvl - shared memory in kilobytes
  • mBufLvl - memory used by IO buffers in kilobytes
  • mAvailableLvl - memory available in kilobytes
  • mFreePer - percentage of memory free
  • mUsedPer - percentage of memory used
If swapping is enabled (which is unlikely), then you will get the above with mSwpX instead of mX.

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Kafka and Cassandra support, training for AWS EC2 Cassandra 3.0 Training