

Sunday, September 14, 2014

How do I amend an object that is stored in DataRepo? (Boon)

From issue https://github.com/RichardHightower/boon/issues/224 (which is fixed in boon in git but not released)
Can I just change it's properties or should I call one of the update/modify methods ?
What's the difference between them?
Just updating an indexed property on an object did not update the repo.
Calling modify and update seemed to do the same thing - there was a new entry for the new value, but the index for the old value still seemed to include it.

My answer...

I fixed this. I also added some optimizations and an example just for you.
It is been more well tested with domain object than maps and lists. 
It needs a major overhaul. I gave it a minor overhaul but it the whole thing needs a revisit. 
It was written before many of the utilities that exists in boon, and it does things its own way instead of the boon way as the boon way did not exist. I digress. So much improved... But could use more.

So here is the example...
Create the repo.
        puts("Create the repo");
        Repo<String, Map<String, String>> dbRepo = (Repo<String, Map<String, String>>)(Object) Repos.builder()
                .build(String.class, Map.class);

Maps.map just creates a map.
        puts("just add some object");

        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Rick
                "job", "manager",
                "name", "Rick",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Bob
                "job", "clerk",
                "name", "Bob",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Sam
                "job", "clerk",
                "name", "Sam",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Joe
                "job",  "clerk",
                "name", "Joe",
                "sport", "soccer"

Now... expect stuff...
        puts("Expect to be 1 manager:", dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        puts("Expect to be 3 clerks:",  dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        equalsOrDie("Should be one manager", 1, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        equalsOrDie("Should be 3 clerks", 3, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        Map<String, Object> manager = dbRepo.results(eq("job", "manager")).expectOne(Map.class).firstMap();

Well you get the idea... There is a full example as part of Bug224. Follow the comments in puts they tell the story. P.S. You misspelled color again. 
You need the latest boon. So git pull it and build it.
        puts("Create the repo");
        Repo<String, Map<String, String>> dbRepo = (Repo<String, Map<String, String>>)(Object) Repos.builder()
                .build(String.class, Map.class);

        puts("just add some object");

        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Rick
                "job", "manager",
                "name", "Rick",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Bob
                "job", "clerk",
                "name", "Bob",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Sam
                "job", "clerk",
                "name", "Sam",
                "sport", "soccer"
        dbRepo.add(Maps.map( //Joe
                "job",  "clerk",
                "name", "Joe",
                "sport", "soccer"

        puts("Expect to be 1 manager:", dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        puts("Expect to be 3 clerks:",  dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        equalsOrDie("Should be one manager", 1, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        equalsOrDie("Should be 3 clerks", 3, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        Map<String, Object> manager = dbRepo.results(eq("job", "manager")).expectOne(Map.class).firstMap();

        manager = Maps.copy(manager); //We can't change the original object.
        // Or we will not be able to remove it from the old indexes.
        // There is an option to copy all objects on the way in. I think. Or there was one planned. :)

        //Now we modify the object.
        manager.put("job", "clerk");

        puts("The repo does not know about the change yet. We have not told it.");
        puts("Expect to be 1 manager:", dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        puts("Expect to be 3 clerks:",  dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        equalsOrDie("Should be one manager", 1, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        equalsOrDie("Should be 3 clerks", 3, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        puts("We call update so the repo can update its indexes");
        dbRepo.update( (Map) manager);
        puts("Expect to be 0 manager:", dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        puts("Expect to be 4 clerks:",  dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        equalsOrDie("Should be 0 manager", 0, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        equalsOrDie("Should be 4 clerks", 4, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        //Now let's promote Joe
        dbRepo.update("Joe", "job", "manager"); //This does an in place edit, and updates the indexes for us
        puts("Example of in place edit to promote Joe");
        puts("Expect to be 1 manager:", dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        puts("Expect to be 3 clerks:",  dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

        equalsOrDie("Should be 1 manager", 1, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "manager")).size());
        equalsOrDie("Should be 3 clerks", 3, dbRepo.query(eq("job", "clerk")).size());

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