

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Boon fastest way to turn JSON into useable Java (Update) Dec 3rd 2013

If you want to turn a JSON file into a java.util.Map or an object, it appears that Boon is the fastest option. When I first read the article, this was not the case. I had some ideas for speeding up the JSON parsing, but never seemed to need to (it seemed fast enough). Then this article came out, http://www.infoq.com/articles/HIgh-Performance-Parsers-in-Java.
If you want independent confirmation of Boon's speed:  "Jackson and Boon are basically equivalent, Boon being slightly faster. JSON Parsing." Whoot! https://github.com/gatling/json-parsers-benchmark
It appears it is now faster than Jackson and GSON for the use case of turning a JSON string into a java.util.Map. (now with I/O, without I/O, and direct to from byte [], faster, faster, and faster).
Boon allows turning a map into a Java object so it can do object serialization of JSON, but you have to first convert JSON into Map and then Map into Object. Boon does all sorts of tricks to make this from JSON to Map to Object really damn fast. 
I have performance tuned the hell out of Boon object serialization and it is quite a bit faster than GSON and Jackson! I put blood sweat, tears, profiling and code into it. They can spend time and beat it for sure. They are smart guys, but for the moment, it is quite a bit faster.
More time was spent on Object serialization than to java.util.Map conversion. I think conversion ot java.util.Map can be even faster.
Boon does not plan on being a pull parser or a tree parser or a event parser... ever. Boon does JSON but not all the ins and outs. If you want a pull parser, use Jackson or GSON or json-smart. If you want a tree view parser, use Jackson or GSON or json-smart. Boon's API for JSON will always be Java Objects or java.util.Map, Number and java.util.List there will never be a JSON tree node API. This is on purpose. 
Boon's JSON support is optimized for REST calls and Websocket messages. It is not a generic JSON parser. It is a JSON to Java mapper pure and simple.
Boon's JSON parsing... would not be as good as it is without some help from my new brother from France. He is my muse and has also improved the hell out of the benchmarking. He also sent some patches (that are not in the benchmark below) that make Boon's JSON to java.util.Map parsing even faster (so now instead of winning it is winning by a larger margin). Thank you sir!
Dec 3rd 2013: My new friend from France (aka brother from another mother, aka Stephane Landelle) has been helping me out. Now there are more tests. I got rid of a few parsers and wrote a few more. The Boon original has been optimized quite a bit, but not near as much time has been spent tuning JSON to map as JSON to Java object and yet, it does quite well (it wins overall, and if you include the fixes from Stephane it wins by a larger margin then shown... he sent the update as I was writing this).
With I/O included
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              5,044                    actionLabel.json              100,000
gson                 3,904                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon original        3,941                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon char sequence   4,542                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon ascii           2,258                    actionLabel.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     gson           boon original  boon char sequence  jackson

Boon 1st, 3rd, 4th
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              1,577                   citm_catalog.json                  100
gson                 1,048                   citm_catalog.json                  100
boon original        1,156                   citm_catalog.json                  100
boon char sequence   3,769                   citm_catalog.json                  100
boon ascii           1,281                   citm_catalog.json                  100
Winner: gson
order:       gson           boon original  boon ascii     jackson        boon char sequence

Boon 2nd, 3rd, 5th
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              4,016                         medium.json              100,000
gson                 3,661                         medium.json              100,000
boon original        3,011                         medium.json              100,000
boon char sequence   5,709                         medium.json              100,000
boon ascii           2,949                         medium.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon original  gson           jackson        boon char sequence

Boon 1st, 2nd, 5th (Boon Char Sequence is new and needs some tuning)
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              2,417                           menu.json              100,000
gson                 2,119                           menu.json              100,000
boon original        1,899                           menu.json              100,000
boon char sequence   2,184                           menu.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,218                           menu.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon original  gson           boon char sequence  jackson

Boon 1st, 2nd, 4th

Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              2,751                           sgml.json              100,000
gson                 2,250                           sgml.json              100,000
boon original        1,988                           sgml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   2,717                           sgml.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,424                           sgml.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon original  gson           boon char sequence  jackson

Boon 1st, 2nd, 4th

Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              1,988                          small.json              100,000
gson                 1,780                          small.json              100,000
boon original        1,668                          small.json              100,000
boon char sequence   1,569                          small.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,002                          small.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon char sequence  boon original  gson           jackson

Boon 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              4,860                         webxml.json              100,000
gson                 4,759                         webxml.json              100,000
boon original        4,452                         webxml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   8,738                         webxml.json              100,000
boon ascii           4,443                         webxml.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon original  gson           jackson        boon char sequence

Boon 1st, 2nd, 5th
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              2,608                         widget.json              100,000
gson                 2,296                         widget.json              100,000
boon original        2,015                         widget.json              100,000
boon char sequence   2,734                         widget.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,483                         widget.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon original  gson           jackson        boon char sequence

Boon 1st, 2nd, 5th
I am pretty sure I can make boon ascii and boon char sequence a lot faster when I get some time. I think I can shave another 20% to 30% off of their times. Boon original is fully optimized. All of the above times are full parse mode.
My new best friend from France sent me a patch so it already does better than the above. So look at the above, and imagine boon winning in a few more cases.... :)
(There is a skip string encoding method of boon that is faster, but that is cheating). All of my optimization and profiling went into object serialization so I have not spent any time tuning these to a great amount. Boon original is faster because I copied the techniques from the object serialization but did not re-tune it for this use case. What I am saying is that I think they can be tuned to go much faster.
With that said... boon wins in every category below. :)
No I/O buffer of choice:
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              1,539                    actionLabel.json              100,000
gson                 1,167                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon char sequence   1,080                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon original        743                      actionLabel.json              100,000
boon ascii           979                      actionLabel.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  boon ascii     boon char sequence gson           jackson
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              1,358                   citm_catalog.json                  100
gson                 830                     citm_catalog.json                  100
boon char sequence   1,120                   citm_catalog.json                  100
boon original        823                     citm_catalog.json                  100
boon ascii           929                     citm_catalog.json                  100
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  gson           boon ascii     boon char sequence jackson
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              1,409                         medium.json              100,000
gson                 1,295                         medium.json              100,000
boon char sequence   1,386                         medium.json              100,000
boon original        985                           medium.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,509                         medium.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  gson           boon char sequencejackson        boon ascii
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              309                             menu.json              100,000
gson                 282                             menu.json              100,000
boon char sequence   275                             menu.json              100,000
boon original        194                             menu.json              100,000
boon ascii           274                             menu.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  boon ascii     boon char sequence gson           jackson
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              480                             sgml.json              100,000
gson                 416                             sgml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   450                             sgml.json              100,000
boon original        357                             sgml.json              100,000
boon ascii           450                             sgml.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  gson           boon char sequence boon ascii     jackson
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              104                            small.json              100,000
gson                 86                             small.json              100,000
boon char sequence   55                             small.json              100,000
boon original        38                             small.json              100,000
boon ascii           51                             small.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  boon ascii     boon char sequence gson           jackson
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              2,544                         webxml.json              100,000
gson                 2,683                         webxml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   2,750                         webxml.json              100,000
boon original        2,013                         webxml.json              100,000
boon ascii           3,151                         webxml.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  jackson        gson           boon char sequence boon ascii
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              554                           widget.json              100,000
gson                 528                           widget.json              100,000
boon char sequence   550                           widget.json              100,000
boon original        387                           widget.json              100,000
boon ascii           542                           widget.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  gson           boon ascii     boon char sequence jackson
Now what if you don't have a stream, but you just have a byte[]. How does boon do? Quite well thanks! :)
Straight from byte[]
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       1,279                    actionLabel.json              100,000
json-smart           945                      actionLabel.json              100,000
gson                 1,146                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon original        871                      actionLabel.json              100,000
boon char sequence   1,089                    actionLabel.json              100,000
boon ascii           906                      actionLabel.json              100,000
Winner: boon original
order:       boon original  boon ascii     json-smart     boon char sequence gson           jackson-object

1st, 2nd and 4th place!
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       1,014                   citm_catalog.json                  100
json-smart           1,015                   citm_catalog.json                  100
gson                 882                     citm_catalog.json                  100
boon original        963                     citm_catalog.json                  100
boon char sequence   1,606                   citm_catalog.json                  100
boon ascii           913                     citm_catalog.json                  100
Winner: gson
order:       gson           boon ascii     boon original  jackson-object json-smart     boon char sequence

Damn you GSON! 2nd, 3rd and 5th place
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       1,203                         medium.json              100,000
json-smart           1,171                         medium.json              100,000
gson                 1,429                         medium.json              100,000
boon original        1,184                         medium.json              100,000
boon char sequence   1,394                         medium.json              100,000
boon ascii           1,417                         medium.json              100,000
Winner: json-smart
order:       json-smart     boon original  jackson-object boon char sequence boon ascii     gson

Damn you json-smart! 2nd, 3rd and 4th place
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       246                             menu.json              100,000
json-smart           252                             menu.json              100,000
gson                 363                             menu.json              100,000
boon original        280                             menu.json              100,000
boon char sequence   285                             menu.json              100,000
boon ascii           232                             menu.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     jackson-object json-smart     boon original  boon char sequence gson

1st, 3rd and 4th place

Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       412                             sgml.json              100,000
json-smart           421                             sgml.json              100,000
gson                 733                             sgml.json              100,000
boon original        620                             sgml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   538                             sgml.json              100,000
boon ascii           449                             sgml.json              100,000
Winner: jackson-object
order:       jackson-object json-smart     boon ascii     boon char sequence boon original  gson

Jackson! Damn you! 3rd, 4th, 5th place
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       64                             small.json              100,000
json-smart           71                             small.json              100,000
gson                 182                            small.json              100,000
boon original        132                            small.json              100,000
boon char sequence   59                             small.json              100,000
boon ascii           42                             small.json              100,000
Winner: boon ascii
order:       boon ascii     boon char sequence jackson-object json-smart     boon original  gson

Boon baby! Sonic boon! 1st, 2nd, 4th place
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       2,166                         webxml.json              100,000
json-smart           2,260                         webxml.json              100,000
gson                 2,763                         webxml.json              100,000
boon original        2,329                         webxml.json              100,000
boon char sequence   2,945                         webxml.json              100,000
boon ascii           2,904                         webxml.json              100,000
Winner: jackson-object
order:       jackson-object json-smart     boon original  gson           boon ascii     boon char sequence

Jackson and json-smart kicking some serious behind! 3rd, 4th and 5th

Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson-object       435                           widget.json              100,000
json-smart           558                           widget.json              100,000
gson                 593                           widget.json              100,000
boon original        525                           widget.json              100,000
boon char sequence   558                           widget.json              100,000
boon ascii           489                           widget.json              100,000
Winner: jackson-object
order:       jackson-object boon ascii     boon original  json-smart     boon char sequence gson

 Jackson! Grrr... 2nd, 3rd, 4th place

So boon does well for not being profiled for these use cases. I know boon ascii and boon char sequence can be optimized (there are a few buffer copies that I can get rid of). I think with a bit of elbow grease Boon, although it does well now, can do much better. I am sure it can win (for at least 15 minutes until Jackson, and Json-smart optimize theirs) in every category.

With the patch from Stepahne and a few more ideas that I have for improving number parsing and reducing a few more buffer copies, I think boon could win in every category. I will do another benchmark in a week or so.
Ok so for the case that I did optimize and profile boon for, how does it fair. This is the one I put blood, sweat and tears into. This is the one that matters the most for the boon project.
Object Serialization...

_______________________________ Full object ____________________________________________
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson              13,289                      AllTypes.json            1,000,000
gson                 11,092                      AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon                 8,851                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon full            8,926                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
Winner: boon
order:       boon           boon full      gson           jackson
_______________________________ No sub item, no sum list ____________________________________________
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson al3          11,230                      AllTypes.json            1,000,000
gson  al3            7,565                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon al3             6,653                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon al3 full        6,638                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
Winner: boon al3 full
order:       boon al3 full  boon al3       gson  al3      jackson al3
_______________________________ No sub list ____________________________________________
Name                 Time                                 File           Iterations
jackson al2          12,035                      AllTypes.json            1,000,000
gson  al2            8,599                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon al2 half        7,216                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
boon al2 full        7,287                       AllTypes.json            1,000,000
Winner: boon al2 half
order:       boon al2 half  boon al2 full  gson  al2      jackson al2

The one I actually spent time on (a lot of time) wins in every category. I was expecting to get more competition from Jackson and less from GSON. GSON was a tougher nut to crack. If it wasn't for GSON, I would live a few years longer. Boon and Gson were neck and neck, what put Boon over the top was looking at how Jackson handled numbers, and then duplicated it.
I guess what I am saying is the guys at GSON, Jackson and json-smart are good guys, and their software is good stuff. I have used Jackson in anger and have very high respect for it. Boon is not a JSON parsing project. Boon is something else. It includes JSON, but every time I mentioned JSON the response I always got was "why don't you just use Jackson". My answer was because I want to use JSON in different ways, and want flexibility. Then I would get : "but Jackson is so fast". This is why I spent sometime tuning Boon's JSON support. I figure if it is a little faster now, I can focus on other stuff, and let the JSON guys beat it. It was fastest once.
That said... there is some low hanging fruit, and I might do a round of tuning in the JSON to java.util.Map arena.

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